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Trade Blanket
Our Saturday Night Tradition

There will be one ADULT and one CHILDREN'S trade blanket.

Trading items, food, and medicine is an ancient human tradition and we are excited to offer a trading event at the gathering! The trade blanket works by having everyone sit in a circle around a blanket on the ground. We take turns as one person brings something they would like to trade and puts it in the center of the blanket. Those who would like to trade for that item will put their item for offer on the outside of the blanket. If the person whose item is in the middle likes one of the offers, they may make a trade! The trade is completed by trading items, shaking hands, and saying “good trade”. The group goes around in a circle taking turns until a full circle has been completed.

People who wish to trade may bring a small cloth to lay in front of them to present their tradable items throughout the event. This allows everyone to see what is out there and may make a side trade. “Side-Trading” usually happens throughout the trade blanket (quietly so as not to bother the central trade) and can continue after the group has completed a full circle of central trades. People may approach others with an item they would like to trade and offer the items for something they are interested in. The trade may be completed at any time during the trade blanket as long as it is not distracting to the central trade.

The beauty of the trade blanket is that everyone brings something they are willing to let go of in hopes to get something new to connect with. The trade blanket is based fully on a barter system and usually does not involve cash, however, cash may be offered during side trades.

What items are encouraged at the trade blanket?
● Tools
● Outdoor Gear
● Homemade Food and Medicine
● Crafting Materials (example-basket weaving materials, bow building materials)
● Wildcrafted Projects
● Animal Skins, Fur, and Leather
● Jewelry
● Bows, Atlatls, and Other Primitive Weapons (no guns)
● Baskets
● Yarn
● Homemade Soap
● Blades (knives, machetes, axes)
● Antlers, and Bones
● Foraged Food
*Try to keep it limited to items that you would expect to see at a primitive gathering.


What items are NOT encouraged at the trade blanket?
● Cash (allowed on side trades)
● Electronics
● Candy or Non-Homemade Food
● Old or Expired Food and Medicine
● Offers That You Can’t or Won’t Commit To

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